

白噪声: 它是什么


产生白噪声时,您听到的每个频率都会以恒定幅度随机播放。结果通常是与广播或电视静态相关的“嘘”声。与白光被视为由颜色范围内的每个可见波长组成的方式相同,白噪声包括每个声音频率。相关地, 黑噪声 代表字面上的 寂静声音


因此,对于住院患者,白噪声被认为是非常有效的。这些环境相当嘈杂,充满嘈杂的气氛,可能会导致睡眠中断。根据研究,对于那些避免使用这些系统的人来说,白噪声系统有助于将病人的入睡时间或感到困倦的持续时间降低约 40%。其他研究结果也表明,白噪声能够安抚幼儿和婴儿更快入睡。还发现噪音可以有效提高学校注意力不集中的儿童的注意力。



1. JS 01白噪声机


这个音响系统是独一无二的,因为它可以同时做很多事情。除了作为一个音响系统外,它还可以发出 alpha 波、选择瑜伽并同时发出三种不同的声音。此外,它还提供微不足道的夜间照明,非常适合睡觉。它包括一个触摸屏,使其用户更友好,并且是您的家庭和企业非常有用的设备。

2. JS 03 白噪声机

就其本身而言,我们的JS 03 白噪声机 由 40 种音调组成,包括机器声音、睡眠音乐、白噪声(4 种)和自然声音。和 JS 01 一样,它也有微不足道的夜灯,而且由于它体积小,您可以轻松移动它。最重要的是,它可以在各种地方使用,包括家庭、办公室和其他满足隐私需求的区域。


Many people liken white noise to specific atmospheric sounds, including an air conditioner or a whizzing fan; yet, they aren’t technically the same. While the effect on the ears can be the same; however, as per the explanation, white noise should comprise audible frequencies randomly played at constant amplitude.

Other sounds mistakenly perceived as white noise are usually different noise colors. A good example of this is the pink noise. Whereas the same amplitude can describe white noise in all frequencies, the pink amplitude declines by half when their rate doubles. The outcome is a mix of various powerful low-frequency sounds and milder high-frequency sounds.

Your ear is most sensitive to enhanced frequencies, which explains why the pink noise tends to be more soothing than white noise. However, the pink noise can also offer other sleep-related benefits. The brain turns to be less active, especially during the first phases of your sleep. Pink noise comes in handy to reduce your sleep onset, prolong sleep time, and enhance the overall quality of sleep.

People who find pink noise more soothing are also likely to prefer red noise. On its part, red noise declines in strength as frequency increases, but to an intensified extent. This generates a low, muffled sound. Also, blue noise intensifies with a rise in frequency, leading to a more concentration on high sounds and a decline for the low tones. The blue noise can be compared to a smooth water spray.

The most appropriate noise color for sleep varies depending on individual preferences. If high-frequency tends to be too hostile, red or base-heavy pink noise might sound more calming to you. But if you prefer high-frequency tones, then blue or white noise can be the best choice for you. It is, therefore, important to try different types of colors with help from a sound system that can imitate the sounds.

How to Choose the Best White Noise System 

Otherwise referred to as a sound system (machine), a white noise system (machine) comes in handy when creating a more comforting bedroom ambient that enhances healthy, quality sleep. Apart from the white and other noise colors, the systems often generate atmospheric and natural tones like crashing waves and chirping birds. Here are a few tips to consider when choosing your white noise machine:

  • Price – Mostly, white noise devices are sold at less than 100 USD. High-end models generally create an array of sound and noise selection.
  • Size – Sound systems are typically compact and lightweight, though others can be extremely small and best suited for travel.
  • Sleep Timer– Other sound devices have pre-set timers that help switch off the system after some time.
  • Looping – Some noise machines tend to loop their tones at the start and end to produce a constant listening experience, whereas others can switch when the recording is complete.
  • Alarm – White noise systems often come with an integral alarm to enable you to come to at given times.

How Does a White Noise Machine Work? 

Having understood what white noise systems are, it is now critical to look at how they work and their applications for effective results. It can sometimes be awkward being in a bathroom with people around. There are times you would wish people weren’t listening to the noises that naturally emanate from the mere use of the restroom, especially when you aren’t feeling well.

White noise systems are applied in a broad spectrum of circumstances to cut off the noise, avert disruptions, and produce a tranquil atmosphere. Below are some of the best uses of white noise devices:

  • Study rooms
  • In businesses (office or cubicle privacy)
  • Assisting babies to sleep
  • Therapist offices
  • Meditation or stress relief
  • Mood enhancement
  • Outdoor noise obstruction at work
  • Enhancing attentiveness and concentration
  • Work quality and productivity enhancement
  • A tranquil restroom ambient and bathroom privacy
  • For travel purposes to allow you to relax in a new setting

As mentioned earlier, the brain is naturally disrupted by any sound. The sound can seize and refuse to free our attention, making us less focused and prone to stress. Except when we anticipate outdoor sounds – such as when attending an outdoor event or snooping to some pleasant music – they can prove to be extremely disrupting to the extent of causing sleep and stress issues.

Although electric fans such as box fans make up a great option for creating white noise, they aren’t very effective and are not transferable. Since you can easily carry them, they are energy-efficient and user-friendly; white noise systems offer the best option to enhance your life quality individually or professionally.

Categories of White Noise Devices 

There are only two sound systems to choose what suits your preference.

  • Electronic models – This typeof white noise system apply I.C.s (integrated circuit chips) to produce sound patterns either produced as a constant pattern or stowed in terms of an audio file such as .MP3 music. Programmed noises are produced, and their adjustable volume management is standard.

While some of these models offer several options, others don’t. The former offers specific audio tones similar to rain and nature, electric fans, and more white noise versions to suit your preference.

  • Electromechanical – This particular model applies an outdated type of sound-generating technology. They are easier to use. While they are less common, they are still a great option for most people.

The electromechanical sound systems utilize electric motors to run a minimalist fan producing a continuous soft airflow through the tiny vents, creating a soft sound. Some come with sound tone and other volume adjustment options, although they aren’t as adaptable as the electronic models.

Contrary, although they do not offer more options like the solid-state versions, they are extremely user-friendly and still the best choice for some people attributing to their sound.


How the Machines Block Sound 

The white noise systems generate sound throughout an array of shared sound frequencies. The outcome is that most troublesome noises are suppressed and rendered much friendlier.

Typically, white noise systems generate quite an array of noise frequencies spreading throughout a broad spectrum of most bothersome sounds. Provided the volume of outdoor or indoor sound is less than or equal to the volume of sound produced by the system, it can effectively block and be overlooked. Save for only a few, almost all close-by noises with moderate or low volume – conversations, traffic, co-workers – all these frequencies we hear are suppressible.

It All Depends On Your Brain

The human brain cannot handle bulky audio information simultaneously. You have found yourself in a place where many people are talking at once, for instance, at a restaurant or bar. It becomes nearly difficult to get what everyone is saying since it is all mixed up.

This is the trick about how sound systems operate: The frequencies that can be heard are suppressed by the white noise, making it hard for us to hear it. Be it outdoor traffic, T.V. or radio, your neighbor’s discussion around the house, it all happens more or else the same.

Since the human brain cannot separate sounds arriving at the ears simultaneously, it is more or else that same as not hearing them – noises covered by the white noise are significantly suppressed and vanish as we cannot figure out their existence anymore.

How Efficient Are White Noise Devices?


In the actual sense, white noise systems have proved effective for various types of privacy or distraction applications, but they are never the final solution. For instance, they work better in specific situations where noises you wish to suppress or block (for privacy requirements) are reasonably low in volume.

For much louder noises such as outdoor music, construction site sounds, neighbors, for instance, the systems may not block everything. In such scenarios, you will require several sound systems or find much louder systems, including box fans. You might also need to utilize brown noise produced by stereo speakers and effective noise-blocking headphones.

Can White Noise Systems Make You Sleep?

This is perhaps among the main reasons you want to buy the machine – for improved sleep and relaxing especially during travels. Sure, white noise systems will effectively allow you to enjoy a night of sound sleep and enjoy your rest more, giving you the best quality sleep and stress-free ambient.

For instance, for improved sleep, there are various common facts they can help:

  • During travels, attempting to fall asleep in any place can prove a daunting task attributed to the noises you are familiar with.
  • Covering the sound of people moving around in hallways or street noise by taking advantage of the flowing water in pipes, an elevator, among others.
  • Putting disruption out of the mind so that you can concentrate on resting and pleasant feelings.

More so, white noise puts the brain in a healthier state than enables it to sink into an enhanced sleep depth. They are particularly ideal for young children or babies, too; thus, how babies tend to sleep soundly with a washing machine or hair drier running close by.

Note that the systems may not work for everyone, and the sound quality is based mainly on the specific model of the system you acquire. We can opine that the beach and ocean sounds are usually the best options, together with other fan or box fan sounds.

In this case, if you prefer box fans with their comforting sounds, you might find it hard to distinguish the noises they produce. On the contrary, they utilize fairly more power than the white machines.

Wholesale, OEM and Private Label Services 

As you may have realized, the current global marketplace has become increasingly competitive compared to the yesteryears. Thus, at comfoly.com, we understand the need for businesses to distinguish themselves from their opponents in a much more meaningful way.

As a company that understands what it entails to be in the industry, we know how to find the right wholesale openings and create private label brands for your business. Besides enhancing your business presence, as a dealer, you must ensure your customers are getting not only value for their money but your products are also easily accessible to them.

As it were, comfoly.com has you covered in providing the best wholesale, OEM and private label services. With a wide range of brands available for wholesale, we are also prepared to brand whatever you order from us with your customized private label. With a worldwide connection of manufacturing companies, at comfoly.com, we can make delivery much faster and offer only top-quality products. If you don’t find what you need, you can trust us to source or modify the current product to suit your preference.


We offer OEM and private labeling services to many companies across the globe. Listed among the largest Private Label Manufacturing companies, comfoly.com can quickly handle your personalized needs and layouts to meet your product specifications. All goods supplied by us are ISO-certified and designed to meet our clients’ requirements.

We regularly update our stores, so you know you are dealing with a reliable company. You don’t need to be wary of missing your best fit – we offer a wide range of products for wholesale so that you won’t miss your preference and at a competitive price. Depending on your order size, we have you covered. Our wholesale services are sufficient to ensure you save more when you buy in bulk from us.

Because we deal with various top manufacturing companies, our team will always get you what you want and affordably. Our good relationship with our customers and manufacturing companies has given us an upper hand against our competitors.

Expanding Your Brand Offering Using Our Private Label Services 

As a Private Label company with manufacturing amenities worldwide, comfoly.com is your most qualified and reliable source for the best OEM and private labeling services. We boast of thousands of the best quality products supplied in various categories, including health, electronics, and sound systems. Our team is always prepared to work closely with you – resellers, retailers, e-commerce and wholesalers, teaming up through every step of the journey to develop a premium brand offering.

Our strong portfolio and production aptitudes ensure brands can reach the market faster and affordably. We provide an array of supplying options, such as wholesale and OEM services.

Our private labeling services allow you to apply your product to the packaging when you are ready to sell it. While many customers may not be aware of the availability of this service, it is currently widely applied in many shopping settings. If you have dealt with us before, you might know our private label branding services.

As it were, private labeling allows you to deliver your goods into your customers’ hands. Thus, if you are dealing in white noise systems, our private labeling services allow you to trade the goods since you aren’t the original manufacturer of the same.

Private Labelling: How Does It Work?

As a private-label service provider, we secure deals on behalf of top manufacturing companies worldwide with no ascription. Thus, you have no cause to doubt our services. In essence, our private labeling services are designed to enhance the value of our customers’ brands, such as enhancing your workplace’s privacy. Hence, if you contemplate buying sound systems and don’t have any previous experience, then comfoly.com is here to get you started. The good thing with comfoly.com is that we allow you to purchase and trade your merchandise devoid of any special advertising or promotion.

The Benefits You Stand To Gain from Our Private Label Services  

While there may be some drawbacks, our private labeling services come with various benefits, including:

  • Loyalty – For your sound system business to flourish, establishing a trustworthy customer base is key. Branding via our private labeling offers an ideal way to create loyalty from your customers who prefer your products. Since we allow for limited accessibility, your customers will get attached to your products, enabling them to believe that they are among the few who own the product. Thus, enhancing trust and increasing sales among your customers.
  • High margins– goods containing private labels often fetch more profits than resale products. This is attributed to the fact that it is more cost-effective to create your goods than purchasing ready-made goods, particularly if the production and marketing of the brand are top-quality.
  • Wholesale revenue– Apart from exclusively trading your brand, you can consider working as a wholesaler for the brand and limit its accessibility to other traders paying premium purchasing costs for the permission to take home your product. It will, in turn, generate extra revenue and help your product’s exposure.
  • Exclusivity – Our private labeling services allow you to stay separately from your competitors. Among the key things regarding our services is that you own the exclusive permission to trade your product in most cases. Effecting marketing will build demand for your brand, which is beneficial to you since you are the only source of the brand.

The Verdict

最终,在阅读完这篇文章之后,很明显您现在知道为什么需要购买音响系统。这些系统带来了巨大的好处,特别是如果您重视自己的隐私和家人。尽管有健康,但您需要保持秘密,而做到这一点的最佳方法是通过白噪声系统。在 comfoly.com,我们可以帮助您从业务中获得最大收益。当 comfoly.com 不仅可以提供最好的服务而且价格合理,您为什么还要浪费更多的时间和金钱来寻找合适的 OEM 和自有品牌公司?立即联系我们以了解更多关于我们的信息。