1. Soak feet

If you want to effectively improve sleep quality and fall asleep quickly, you can properly soak your feet before going to bed, which can improve sleep quality. Because foot soaking can accelerate the blood circulation of the lower body, fast blood is provided to every part of the body at the first time, and the benefits are obvious, which can improve the quality of sleep, and foot soaking can also release pressure and keep the whole body relaxed. Therefore, if you want to fall asleep quickly, it is best to soak your feet properly before going to bed, especially in winter, the effect of soaking your feet is better.

2. Take a walk

If you want to sleep until you wake up naturally, you might as well take a walk before going to bed, which is also a way to improve the quality of sleep. Many people go to sleep without feeling sleepy, and it is very likely that they will have difficulty falling asleep. The quality of sleep at night will be significantly reduced. Taking a walk in this way consumes calories, increases fatigue, and falls asleep in a tired state, and the quality of sleep will be much improved. Therefore, if you want to fall asleep quickly, the most important thing is to take a proper walk before going to bed, so that the body is in a state of fatigue before going to sleep.