04 Quality sleeping environment: If possible, take good care of your bed, comfortable bed, comfortable sleep, isn’t this the best place in the house? When sleeping, it is best to keep the light very weak, and it is best to be dark at night. If you have the habit of falling asleep with the lights on, it is another matter. Listening to some soothing music before bed can help calm tension and relax your mind and body.

05 Good sleeping position: You can lie on your back or on your right side. The left side is easy to compress the heart, please try to avoid it. And bad sleeping positions, such as having the habit of tying your hands to your chest and pressing your hands under your body, will easily cause people to have dreams or compress blood vessels. Please also pay attention.

06 Take a nap: Studies have shown that sticking to a 30-minute nap three times a week can reduce heart disease-related mortality by nearly 37%. If sleep time really can’t be guaranteed, take a nap!