1. Weak vision

With the increasing use of electronic products, the frequency of use of eyes by urban children increases, the opportunities for hands-on operation are reduced, and the care for the eyes itself is less. Adverse reactions such as hazy eyes and even hallucinations may occur.

2, causing obesity

Western medicine believes that lack of sleep will cause the body to reduce the secretion of leptin, and this hormone helps to break down oil and reduce appetite. In addition, long-term lack of sleep will lead to gradual changes in eating habits. Research has shown that teens who sleep less than 8 hours a night eat higher-fat snacks and foods than those who sleep more than 8 hours a night. Therefore, getting enough sleep every night for teenagers is one of the key ways to stay healthy and prevent obesity.

3. Inability to concentrate Everyone

who has stayed up late has probably realized that they can only do some mechanical work the next day, and things that require brainstorming must take a long time. In the case of long-term lack of sleep, teenagers cannot concentrate, cannot think creatively, and cannot digest the course content of the day, which leads to some children with strong sense of responsibility, who are very entangled in their hearts, unable to finish today’s work today, and willingly sleep late for tutoring and self-study. , a vicious circle.