1. It hurts our stomach. Our gastrointestinal tract is actually a very fragile organ. If we sleep too late, it is easy to cause hunger and craving for food. Therefore, people who sleep late usually have a habit of eating food in the middle of the night, which will increase The burden on the stomach and intestines, originally the middle of the night is the period of rest for the stomach and intestines, and as a result, after eating a lot of food, the stomach and intestines have to digest and absorb. .

  2. Increase the burden on the liver. We all have an experience. If you don’t get enough sleep at night or stay up all night, your face will be dark and sallow in the morning. This is due to the increased load on our liver, because the liver is the body’s largest detoxification and detoxification organ. It is very hard during the day and needs to be done at night. Take a good rest, but if a person does not go to sleep, the liver will continue to work, which increases the burden on the liver, and the function of detoxification and detoxification will also decline. Therefore, the person will become dull and dull skin.

3, easy to gain weight. If you often like to stay up late and eat late-night snacks, it is easy to gain weight, because the food eaten in the middle of the night has no way to metabolize all its calories, so these calories will be converted into fat and stored under the skin, leading to obesity, and obesity is a source of many chronic diseases.

4, hurt the heart. We usually say that staying up late means staying up late. Indeed, although our heart cannot stop beating, the beating of the heart is slow during sleep. If there is insufficient sleep, the heart will always be in a working state and maintain a normal heart rate, which will increase the burden on the heart and make Our hearts age rapidly, and once the heart ages, it is directly life-threatening.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure adequate sleep for our health. When insomnia can’t sleep, we can listen to the white noise sleep aid of the comfoly, the relaxing and soothing ecological music, can relax the mood, relieve tension, and help to fall asleep quickly.