Insomnia is like a besieged city. Either you can’t sleep or you can’t wake up. People who fall asleep still want to play with their mobile phones, and people who play with mobile phones want to sleep.

The pain of insomnia that you only know after experiencing it. Insomnia one night, let alone a blank mind the next day, temporary dementia in a daze for a week. Modern people have insomnia and can still play with their mobile phones. In ancient times, there were no mobile phones, no Weibo, no circle of friends, and no glory of kings. So, what did the ancients do when they had insomnia?

When Su Shi couldn’t sleep, he asked a group of friends to go to Chibi. “So he drank and sang happily.” After hearing the news of Li Bai’s exile, Du Fu lost sleep and wrote “Dream of Li Bai Two Songs”. “The old man enters my dream, and it is clear that I look back and remember” “Three nights of frequent dreams of you, and love to see your will.” Fortunately, the ancients did not have mobile phones, otherwise we might be able to see the selfies of the writers drinking when they had insomnia on the Moments and Weibo, as well as the insomnia literature. Are you really an insomniac? In fact, those friends who check in late at night in the circle of friends are not necessarily insomniacs. Friends who occasionally can’t sleep at night, or have poor sleep quality for a short period of time, don’t need to worry. Friends who meet the following conditions need to pay attention to sleep problems. 1. Difficulty falling asleep, usually more than 1 hour to fall asleep. 2. Light sleep, easy to wake up many times at night. 3. It is easy to have nightmares. 4. Once you wake up, it is difficult to fall back asleep. 5. Sleep less than 6 hours a day. 6. Because the quality of sleep is not high, the next morning feels lethargic, dizzy, lethargic, etc.

It’s not hard to sleep well! 1. Develop good work and rest habits and develop a regular biological clock. Avoid developing a “late sleep obsessive-compulsive disorder” and staying up late for no reason. 2. A comfortable environment is also an important condition to help sleep. People with poor sleep can help themselves to create a bedroom suitable for sleep, choose a comfortable pillow and quilt. 3. Try not to play mobile phones, watch TV for a long time before going to bed, or eat late-night snacks or exercise, and let your body and mind enter a state of preparation for sleep. 4. Learn to regulate one’s own emotions and psychological pressure, arrange work and life reasonably, avoid procrastination, and conduct appropriate activities to relax the body and mind, such as yoga, meditation, etc. 5. Listen to some soothing music. White noise is a very suitable music to help you sleep. It is recommended that you use white noise sleep aids, using scientific physical sound wave sleep aid technology, through hearing (white noise), vision (light waves), smell (aromatherapy) and other scientific methods derived from nature, without dependence, will not let you The body produces discomfort, restores the healthy sleep biological clock for insomniacs, and gently stimulates the healthy sleep self-healing power in the human body!