According to the comprehensive evaluation of the history of various countries and the Internet, the author has given a ranking of the top ten songs that are most suitable for sleep aid. The rankings are in no particular order. Let us come to them in order:
1. Canon
Singer: dylanf
The pure music tune “Canon” is very famous and is one of the top ten most shocking pure music in the world. This pure piano version played by dylanf has a unique flavor. I am very angry that the tune of the music is like a confession. It’s like a confession, and the rhythm of this pure music is softer and more comfortable than the original.

It was late at night, the whole world was surprisingly quiet, only thoughts were still tossing and turning. It’s not the disturbing of nightmares, nor the disturbance of trivial matters, just because the night is so quiet that it makes people feel comfortable, intoxicated, and makes people fall into boundless memories.
This is a very beautiful song, especially in the dead of night, listening to it to fall asleep will make you feel very calm, forget all the troubles of the past, get rid of your fatigue, and fall asleep peacefully.

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