Sleep is an absolute need that everyone must meet in life. Insomnia can cause fatigue, restlessness, general malaise, listlessness, sluggish reactions, headaches, poor memory, and even schizophrenia.

  The main manifestations of insomnia are difficulty falling asleep, inability to fall asleep, waking up early, unable to fall back asleep after waking up, not recovering energy after falling asleep, easily awakened by sounds or lights, etc. If you have one or more of the above conditions, it means that the quality of sleep needs to be improved recently.

  Music has long been widely used in psychotherapy, and traditional Chinese medicine has a record of “five-tone therapy” a long time ago. The lyrical music melody helps to release depressed emotions. The melody is gentle and euphemistic, slow and melodious, which helps to eliminate tension, anxiety, depression, mania and other negative emotions, and helps insomniacs smoothly enter deep sleep.

  1. Chinese classical music for sleep aid 1. “Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms” Guqin music, the style is pure, sad, desolate, soft, full of clarity and brilliance, cool like water. The five elements belong to the dragon, the kidneys and the five wills belong to fear, which can promote the decline of the whole body’s qi, regulate the functions of the kidney and bladder, help the liver yin to control the heart fire, soothe the nerves and help sleep. 2. “Spring River Flower Moon Night” The pipa solo piece has an elegant and beautiful melody. It is like a landscape painting, soft and ethereal, falling asleep unconsciously in the melodious and slow melody. 3. “Falling Wild Goose on Pingsha” is a famous Guqin piece, with a smooth tune and beautiful sound, which has the effect of calming the mind, balancing emotions, relieving tension, and sedating and hypnotic. 4. “High Mountains and Flowing Water” The demure and melodious guzheng makes the listeners peaceful and quiet, putting aside distracting thoughts and falling asleep peacefully.