Sleep is an absolute need that everyone must meet in life. Insomnia can cause fatigue, restlessness, general malaise, listlessness, sluggish reactions, headaches, poor memory, and even schizophrenia.

  The main manifestations of insomnia are difficulty falling asleep, inability to fall asleep, waking up early, unable to fall back asleep after waking up, not recovering energy after falling asleep, easily awakened by sounds or lights, etc. If you have one or more of the above conditions, it means that the quality of sleep needs to be improved recently.

  Music has long been widely used in psychotherapy, and traditional Chinese medicine has a record of “five-tone therapy” a long time ago. The lyrical music melody helps to release depressed emotions. The melody is gentle and euphemistic, slow and melodious, which helps to eliminate tension, anxiety, depression, mania and other negative emotions, and helps insomniacs smoothly enter deep sleep.

foreign sleep music

5. “Ocean Deep” The soft piano melody, coupled with the tender singing, can make the insomniac fall into the ocean full of dreams, and fall into the dream with the waves. 6. “Baby” The Indonesian folk song “Baby” is full of maternal care and love, allowing grown children to relive the cradle night and fall asleep easily. 7. “Lullaby” Mozart’s “Lullaby” with a rhythm of less than 60 beats will slow down the human body’s circadian rhythm, making the restless person gradually quieter, and gradually fall asleep with the slow breathing. 8. “Music Observatory” Constellation music, a series of “Music Observatory” created by music masters based on the substances of the 12 constellations. Everyone can find their own exclusive music in this vast or far-reaching or brisk or tranquil music, so as to have a different sleeping night. 9. “Spain of Sorrow” French guitar master Nicolas de Angelos played “Spain of Sorrow”, with its skillful skills and the inherent gracefulness of the guitar, it is fascinating. “Running dreams is silent”, making insomniacs fall asleep in intoxication.