A person’s life one third of the time is spent sleeping Based on a life expectancy of 70 years Sleep time is about 23 years About 201480 hours, 12088800 minutes It takes us so long to sleep What is it really good for? not easy sleep Sleep is a biological instinct Muscles relax throughout the body during sleep Reduced response to external stimuli Drop in body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure Reduced breathing, excretion and other activities decreased basal metabolic rate It is conducive to the repair and division of cells and functional recovery of various tissues and organs Sleep is one of the important functions of the brain Healthy sleep is the foundation of both health and stamina is also a guarantee of high productivity Therefore, sleeping is like recharging. We replenish the consumed energy through a good night’s sleep, and then we can welcome the next day with full energy. The sleep cycle you don’t understand Sleep is a complex process including rapid eye movement sleep (REM) and non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) Non-REM sleep is subdivided into deep sleep and light sleep Healthy sleep consists of many cycles A cycle alternates between REM and NREM When you first fall asleep, you are in light sleep transition to deep sleep afterwards then enter REM sleep deep sleep and rapid eye movement sleep are two important periods of the sleep cycle Many people know about deep sleep and light sleep Little is known about REM sleep REM sleep and deep sleep The difference between the two is The former makes the muscles of the whole body more relaxed Let the brain start processing information

In general Deep sleep recharges the body And REM sleep makes the brain organize and upgrade Both are indispensable Insomnia, a modern “epidemic” Sleep is an integral part of our life The World Health Organization has determined that: Sleep is nothing but sunlight, air and water The fourth necessity for biological survival sleep is so important

JS 01 advocates healthy achievement of life value At a time when sleep problems are getting worse Hope more people value good sleep Help improve sleep with natural music