24 hours a day, we basically sleep for 8-10 hours. It can be said that sleep is an important part of our life, and nearly 70% of people have poor sleep, insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality. , If there is a problem with sleep, it will seriously affect the health of the body. What harm does lack of sleep do to the body? These 5 major hazards make you afraid! First, lack of sleep can accelerate skin aging Some people who lack sleep for a long time can cause dull skin, and wrinkles and dark circles will appear. If there is not enough sleep, some substances will be released in the skin, and these substances will break down the collagen in the skin. When the body lacks collagen , will make the skin dull and dull, thus losing elasticity. Therefore, only deep sleep can repair skin tissue.

Second, lack of sleep may lead to depression Depression is largely caused by insomnia. People with insomnia are several times more likely to suffer from depression than normal people. Insomnia is a precursor to depression, and lack of sleep will aggravate depression. Therefore, the best way to treat insomnia is through sleep, so that depression can be relieved. Third, lack of sleep leads to reduced learning ability Some people with insufficient sleep, memory will be weakened, thus affecting the effect of learning. Memory is one of the key reasons for determining academic performance. If you don’t have enough sleep, you can’t concentrate, so if you want to improve your learning ability, you must improve your sleep quality. Fourth, lack of sleep is easy to gain weight When you don’t get enough sleep, you will increase your appetite, and when you feel hungry, you will eat more. If a person sleeps less than six hours a day, most of these people are insomniacs. The hunger that occurs when insomnia may stimulate the brain and produce a desire to eat. Therefore, if you want to lose weight successfully, you must improve the quality of sleep, and improving the quality of sleep is the key to losing weight.

  5. Lack of sleep can cause health problems 

People who are often sleep deprived increase the risk of various diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke or heart disease. Ninety percent of people with insomnia are often accompanied by some health problems. Therefore, improving sleep quality is the most basic prerequisite for preventing all diseases.