Are you really insomnia? Correct understanding of insomnia

If the long-term sleep time is less than 8 hours, it cannot be said that you have insomnia. You may be a normal person with less sleep.

The average daily sleep time for adults will reach 7-8 hours from 2022 to 2030. Among them, for groups of different age groups, different qualified sleep durations are defined: Primary school students sleep 10 hours a day; junior high school students 9 hours; high school students 8 hours; adults sleep an average of 7 to 8 hours a day. It can be seen that the sleep time is a recommendation, which is suitable for most people, and cannot be generalized.

Daytime quality of life is different for insomniacs from those with less sleep An important sign of normal people and other sleep disorders. That is to say, as long as you wake up refreshed and can complete tasks during the day, then the amount of sleep is sufficient, not just depending on the sleep time.

Compare the following two items to see if you are really insomnia (not a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis). 1. In the presence of suitable conditions and environments, at least one of the following symptoms still occurs: Difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, waking up early, poor sleep quality, or waking up in the morning feeling unrefreshed. 2. At least one of the following discomforts caused by insomnia occurs during the day. ①Fatigue or general malaise, loss of concentration, ability to maintain attention or memory. ②The ability to study, work or socialize decreases. ③ Mood swings or easily excited. ④ Want to sleep during the day, loss of interest and energy ⑤ It is easy to make mistakes at work. ⑥ nervousness, headache, dizziness and other physical symptoms. ⑦ Excessive attention to sleep. At the same time, if one or more of the symptoms of the above two items are present, it is recommended to adjust the lifestyle or seek medical treatment.

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